Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Even If You Absolutely Can't Stand Him

    ... surely you have a friend or know someone who would love a Trump-Vance Election Campaign 2024 collectible, right? 😁

    Look, my husband of 25 years is from Chicago and well, enough said. So I know how it can be if you're not on the train. But if you're interested or know someone who is, please read on. 

Collection, Trump-Vance Election 2024

    I've been working on my collection since January. It's doing very well, and I'm about to reduce my most popular products soon. I realize this is a one and done, less than 3 months to go until the election. 99.9% of the products can be personalized using the easy-peasy template. 👍

    Zazzle is 15% Off Sitewide now and it changes every few days. It's not like I have a warehouse of inventory (I have no inventory 😉); I only want to offer the lowest prices on products that I think are awesomely designed. 

    I hope you'll take a look or tell a friend, or better yet, print this blog post, make copies and pass them around the office. Just kidding. 😎 Really. 

    Enjoy every day and stay safe!

    ~Molly xo  🌹

    P.S. I have two stores and 36 collections if you're ever looking around for a unique and personalized gift for yourself or someone special. itsMolly on Zazzle Reminder: If you click on the link, top left above, it will always take you to the coupon-discounts page. 

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