Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Berry Boxes

click photos to enlarge

If you have stopped by before, you know that I absolutely LOVE hoarding collecting boxes and especially making them. I came across the cutest berry boxes and couldn't wait to make them last night. Before I show you my creations, I want to first give credit to Claire, the author of the blog, FellowFellow.  Her cute boxes, fabulous photos and fact sheets, in both inches and metric, can be found at the link below:

I used two-sided card stock paper from a K&Company pad. These are so easy to make (Claire has done all the measurements for you) and very sturdy. 

I used my Martha Stewart score board since it has 1/8-inch increments. So little materials and tools are needed!

I made all the top strips 1" wide and they stayed on better. I also put a bit of glue under the edge on the side opposite where it is stapled.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S.  Made a few more. :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Easy Pillow Boxes

Happy June!

If you are a regular follower, you already know I love making boxes, hoarding boxes and buying boxes of boxes :) I want to stop buying expensive boxes to ship my neon paper earrings and really don't want to make the two piece boxes either. So, I thought maybe pillow boxes would work but I couldn't find my template this week.

I found this short video and free printable FTP template by Jennifer .. via Twitter.

The two things I did differently from the video:
  • I used a clear tacky glue ...easier to move and get the edges even before the glue dries.
  • I also used the edge of a metal container to score the flaps.

These were SO easy!
 I was able to print a watermark on the pink box - to personalize. 

 Thanks for looking and have a fantastic week!