Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Even If You Absolutely Can't Stand Him

    ... surely you have a friend or know someone who would love a Trump-Vance Election Campaign 2024 collectible, right? 😁

    Look, my husband of 25 years is from Chicago and well, enough said. So I know how it can be if you're not on the train. But if you're interested or know someone who is, please read on. 

Collection, Trump-Vance Election 2024

    I've been working on my collection since January. It's doing very well, and I'm about to reduce my most popular products soon. I realize this is a one and done, less than 3 months to go until the election. 99.9% of the products can be personalized using the easy-peasy template. 👍

    Zazzle is 15% Off Sitewide now and it changes every few days. It's not like I have a warehouse of inventory (I have no inventory 😉); I only want to offer the lowest prices on products that I think are awesomely designed. 

    I hope you'll take a look or tell a friend, or better yet, print this blog post, make copies and pass them around the office. Just kidding. 😎 Really. 

    Enjoy every day and stay safe!

    ~Molly xo  🌹

    P.S. I have two stores and 36 collections if you're ever looking around for a unique and personalized gift for yourself or someone special. itsMolly on Zazzle Reminder: If you click on the link, top left above, it will always take you to the coupon-discounts page. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

There Are Over 600 Million Blogs in the World

...so, thank you for being here and reading mine. 😊

Happy Spring to you and hello April !

I've linked a quick YouTube Short (30sec) from Miriam's Quilling. All you need to know is the simple shape. Loose roll (coil), pinch and shape into a teardrop and make two. 

The leaves are big loose rolls*. I use different size medicine bottle caps-lids as templates for big rolls. Roll, then drop it in a cap, after it has released remove with tweezers and glue. Shape into long skinny leaves. Even just one of these tulips would be awesome on a card or gift tag. Remember, make odd numbers of elements for balance.

Making Spring Tulips - YTube Short

You can make any size for any reason with any width of paper.** 

This 15" tulip is on my craft room wall. I used 1" (25mm) wide, 12" long construction paper strips.*** I often use a paper crimper on all the strips before rolling, gluing and shaping. There are only seven pieces to this. 😮

Tulips, quilled tulips. There are tens of ways to make pretty ones with paper. Check out Pinterest. 

*Miriam uses the side-loop technique.

**Miriam uses thick 5mm wide "on-edge" paper. I think it's hard to use but she's a master at it.

***Michaels has a pack of 10 colors 50 total sheets for $2.50. If you are going to try and buy the 9"x12" construction paper, be sure it is heavyweight and not the thin tissue paper looking stuff. 

Amazon has 12 colors of 9"x12", double the white-- $88.99 for 2,200 sheets. 😋

Enjoy every day and be safe. 

Molly xo 🌷

PS - This blog post is sponsored by my Zazzle Stores. 😉

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Life Is Really Simple, but We Insist on Making it Complicated. ~Confucius


A bit of quilling news first.

The 2024 Annual NAQG Conference "NAQGCON" will be held in Oklahoma City, OK, on Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton. This location is only 5 minutes from the Will Rogers World Airport. There is a huge discount on rooms when you book as attending, and for the first time, an "early bird" discount if you register by February 15. There is so much information on the website here North American Quilling Guild.

I haven't posted this link in a while. Real Simple magazine online is very inspiring, even if you only scroll through and look at the pictures.😄 I hope you will take a look and find something entertaining or helpful or both. It will renew each month.

Enjoy the magic 💖 of February and stay safe.

xo ☕